

Music Declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency.

  • We call on governments and media institutions to tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency.
  • We call on governments to act now to reverse biodiversity loss and reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2030.
  • We recognise that the emergency has arisen from global injustices and will work towards systemic change to protect life on Earth.
  • We acknowledge the environmental impact of music industry practices and commit to taking urgent action.


  • Jointly support one another, sharing expertise as a collective industry and community.
  • Speak up and out about the climate and ecological emergency.
  • Work towards making our businesses ecologically sustainable and regenerative.
  • Stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples who have cared for this land since time immemorial. We will listen to Indigenous wisdom and embrace its guidance in our endeavours. We support the fight for Indigenous rights; we honour First Nations, Métis & Inuit leadership; we centre and amplify the voices of Indigenous musicians, land and water defenders.



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Making a declaration of emergency is an independent decision for each individual or organisation, and can be done in any way that is right for you/your organisation.

It means publicly announcing your concerns, lending your voice to the chorus calling for more ambitious political action, and following up by taking action on your own environmental impacts within your remit. It does not mean joining any specific group or committing to any actions beyond your limits.

If you are an organisation, it does require consultation of your senior team or board of trustees, and acknowledgement that the declaration itself is only one step in understanding and developing a response to the climate emergency.

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Organisations, Artists & Individuals have signed up already. If you haven’t, why not do it now?

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Music Declares Emergency is a group of artists, music industry professionals and organisations.


The continued rise in greenhouse gas emissions and the ongoing devastation of the natural world constitute a clear and present threat to life on Earth.

That an immediate governmental response is necessary to protect all life from climate and ecological catastrophe.

Music, musicians and music businesses, through their unique cultural and economic power, can lead the way in demanding the systemic changes required to secure all life on earth.

We call on all those within the industry to join us in declaring a climate emergency and to work towards making the cultural and operational changes necessary to contribute towards a carbon neutral future.


Music Declares Emergency (MDE) is an independent group, created by artists, music industry professionals and organisations concerned at the lack of a cohesive, industry-wide response to the climate emergency.

MDE represents all areas of the music industry irrespective of genre, role, gender, race or sexuality and is led by individuals united by a deep concern for the climate and ecological emergency we currently face. We recognize that the music industry, due to its unique challenges needs its own group to drive this debate.

MDE is an independent group that includes individuals who have been directly inspired by, or involved in a variety of environmental organizations and land defence movements in Canada and other music industry professionals. We work to embed environmental sustainability into their operations, creative work, and business practice.

MDE Canada is a democratically led organisation run by volunteers. We encourage anyone in the music industry to get involved. We will be soon be launching an advisory committee and some new campaigns so get in touch if you can help out!


The UK Parliament has declared a climate emergency as well as dozens of councils across the political spectrum, including the Greater London Authority, Bristol and Manchester:

Making a ‘declaration of emergency’ is an independent decision for each individual or organisation, and can be done in any way that is right for you or your organisation. It means publicly announcing your concerns, lending your voice to the chorus calling for more ambitious political action, and following up by taking action on your own environmental impacts within your remit. Declaring a Climate and Ecological Emergency does not mean endorsing any specific group or endorsing any illegal action.

The House of Commons in Canada declared a Climate Emergency in June of 2019. Unfortunately, the Trudeau government (like many others) has been heavy on rhetoric and light on action. In addition to declaring an emergency, we need to start making decisions and taking actions that reflect the emergency we are in. We need all governments, at all levels across Canada to embrace a Just (and Green) Recovery For All that centres urgently tackling the climate emergency.


Music Declares Emergency Canada is now a registered non-profit organization with a founding board of directors. We are actively raising money for initial start-up costs like printing, promotional materials, event and staff time. We are working on some joint projects with the Small Change Fund and those projects can accept charitable donations. DONATE HERE!

For more information on how to donate directly to MDE Canada or to get involved with MDE Canada email: [email protected]